YARN Resource Localization

When running Samza jobs on YARN clusters, you may need to download some resources before startup (For example, downloading the job binaries, fetching certificate files etc.) This step is called as Resource Localization.

Resource Localization Process

For Samza jobs running on YARN, resource localization leverages the YARN node manager’s localization service. Here is a deep dive on how localization works in YARN.

Depending on where and how the resource comes from, fetching the resource is associated with a scheme in the path (such as http, https, hdfs, ftp, file, etc). The scheme maps to a corresponding FileSystem implementation for handling the localization.

There are some predefined FileSystem implementations in Hadoop and Samza, which are provided if you run Samza jobs on YARN:

  • org.apache.samza.util.hadoop.HttpFileSystem: used for fetching resources based on http or https without client side authentication.
  • org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem: used for fetching resource from DFS system on Hadoop.
  • org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem: used for copying resources from local file system to the job directory.
  • org.apache.hadoop.fs.ftp.FTPFileSystem: used for fetching resources based on ftp.

You can create your own file system implementation by creating a class which extends from org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.

Resource Configuration

You can specify a resource to be localized by the following configuration.

Required Configuration

  1. yarn.resources.<resourceName>.path
    • The path for fetching the resource for localization, e.g. http://hostname.com/packages/myResource

Optional Configuration

  1. yarn.resources.<resourceName>.local.name
    • The local name used for the localized resource.
    • If it is not set, the default will be the <resourceName> specified in yarn.resources.<resourceName>.path
  2. yarn.resources.<resourceName>.local.type
    • The type of the resource with valid values from: ARCHIVE, FILE, PATTERN.
      • ARCHIVE: the localized resource will be an archived directory;
      • FILE: the localized resource will be a file;
      • PATTERN: the localized resource will be the entries extracted from the archive with the pattern.
    • If it is not set, the default value is FILE.
  3. yarn.resources.<resourceName>.local.visibility
    • Visibility for the resource with valid values from PUBLIC, PRIVATE, APPLICATION
      • PUBLIC: visible to everyone
      • PRIVATE: visible to just the account which runs the job
      • APPLICATION: visible only to the specific application job which has the resource configuration
    • If it is not set, the default value is APPLICATION

YARN Configuration

Make sure the scheme used in the yarn.resources.<resourceName>.path is configured with a corresponding FileSystem implementation in YARN core-site.xml.

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>

If you are using your own scheme (for example, yarn.resources.myResource.path=myScheme://host.com/test), you can link your FileSystem implementation with it as follows.

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>

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